Phone numbers
Switchboard: +46 31 772 1000
Administration – Erica Dahlin: +46 31 772 3835
Direct dial: +46 31 772 + extension
Fax: +46 31 772 3801
Postal and delivery address
Chalmers University of Technology
Department of Life Sciences
Division of Systems and Synthetic Biology
Kemivägen 10
SE-412 96 Göteborg
Please include reference to a person at Systems & Synthetic Biology.
Visiting address
Chalmers University of Technology
Department of Life Sciences
Division of Systems and Synthetic Biology
Kemigården 1
SE-412 96 Göteborg
Invoicing address
Chalmers University of Technology
Invoice Service
SE-412 96 Göteborg
Reference to Erica Dahlin, cost center 284000.